Child support is often needed long before someone decides to file an action for divorce or parenting plan. Many are just not ready to file court documents or even if they are ready, it would still take time to get before the court and even then if all the information hasn't been provided to the court it could delay getting a child support order in place.
Department of Child Support (DCS) is usually the best method to go about getting a child support order in place. Why?
There are a few reasons for this;
The case will move forward, although it may take time;
If the person paying is out of state they still have the ability to enter an administrative child support order and collect on it, working with the state the party resides in;
If the person chooses not to respond, they still have the ability to move forward and determine that person's income as long as it is reported;
They will enforce and collect on the order.
While there are certain circumstances that this may still be an issue, child support will accrue until it can be collected. If a person does not pay their child support and DCS is collecting, they can lien property, suspend a person's license, or have them put in jail.
They also have the ability to take tax refunds, funds received from unemployment, and other funds provided by government agencies.
This is often less stress than trying to have it addressed in court, if you do have it addressed through court, you should have DCS collect so they can keep track of payments. This can be a benefit to both sides so there is no confusion about what is owed and there is no discussions necessary between the parties. You can contact DCS if there is a concern or issue, avoid discussions with the other party for you sanity and your children's sake.
Department of Child Support (DCS) is usually the best method to go about getting a child support order in place. Why?
There are a few reasons for this;
The case will move forward, although it may take time;
If the person paying is out of state they still have the ability to enter an administrative child support order and collect on it, working with the state the party resides in;
If the person chooses not to respond, they still have the ability to move forward and determine that person's income as long as it is reported;
They will enforce and collect on the order.
While there are certain circumstances that this may still be an issue, child support will accrue until it can be collected. If a person does not pay their child support and DCS is collecting, they can lien property, suspend a person's license, or have them put in jail.
They also have the ability to take tax refunds, funds received from unemployment, and other funds provided by government agencies.
This is often less stress than trying to have it addressed in court, if you do have it addressed through court, you should have DCS collect so they can keep track of payments. This can be a benefit to both sides so there is no confusion about what is owed and there is no discussions necessary between the parties. You can contact DCS if there is a concern or issue, avoid discussions with the other party for you sanity and your children's sake.