If you are needing protection most often you will request a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO).
There are other types of protection that are a lesser degree such as Stalking/Harassment.
You can obtain these in District or Superior Court.
Most courts have someone dedicated to assisting clients in getting the initial temporary order after completing the Petition which can help in getting the order same day and cost you nothing but dedicating your time to focusing on providing the information that has caused you to pursue a protection order. The court will set a final hearing when they issue the temporary order and this is when you might want to seek assistance in getting additional documentation filed to support your Petition.
If you have been served a protection order, you will want to see about getting assistance to file documents refuting the allegations prior to the hearing.
A restraining order is similar, except that it is only available in family law matters if there is a current case pending. If the case has been completed then you would want to get a protection order or speak to a LLLT or attorney about what your options are dependent on the issues. If you are in immediate need then you would want to proceed with a Petition for a temporary protection order and then proceed with reaching out to a legal professional for advice on how it may affect your family law matter.
The orders tend to provide options such as do not disturb, don't enter certain places/distances, not to harass, stalk, etc. and may require the person to surrender weapons.
FYI- King County has provided a new method to obtain protection orders-go to this link and follow the instructions should you need to submit one. There is an emergency exit button should you need to exit at any time...
#protection orders #restraining orders #WAprotectionorders #domesticviolenceawareness
There are other types of protection that are a lesser degree such as Stalking/Harassment.
You can obtain these in District or Superior Court.
Most courts have someone dedicated to assisting clients in getting the initial temporary order after completing the Petition which can help in getting the order same day and cost you nothing but dedicating your time to focusing on providing the information that has caused you to pursue a protection order. The court will set a final hearing when they issue the temporary order and this is when you might want to seek assistance in getting additional documentation filed to support your Petition.
If you have been served a protection order, you will want to see about getting assistance to file documents refuting the allegations prior to the hearing.
A restraining order is similar, except that it is only available in family law matters if there is a current case pending. If the case has been completed then you would want to get a protection order or speak to a LLLT or attorney about what your options are dependent on the issues. If you are in immediate need then you would want to proceed with a Petition for a temporary protection order and then proceed with reaching out to a legal professional for advice on how it may affect your family law matter.
The orders tend to provide options such as do not disturb, don't enter certain places/distances, not to harass, stalk, etc. and may require the person to surrender weapons.
FYI- King County has provided a new method to obtain protection orders-go to this link and follow the instructions should you need to submit one. There is an emergency exit button should you need to exit at any time...
#protection orders #restraining orders #WAprotectionorders #domesticviolenceawareness